Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Much Do Vizors Cost

"First Congress History, Theory and Praxis of Biography in Puerto Rico "

The following press reports on the activities carried out in the First Congress in Puerto Rico Biography:

Organizers of the International Book Fair - Puerto Rico we invite the "First Congress History, Theory and Praxis of Biography in Puerto Rico. " This Congress, coordinated by Dr. Carmelo Rosario Natal and Biographical Studies Group (GEB) will be held during the Fair in the Pavilion of Peace in the Luis Muñoz Rivera Park in Puerta de Tierra.

Congress includes a series of roundtables that analyze various aspects of the biopic in Puerto Rico. So far, topics and resources are distributed as follows:

Friday, October 29 :
Book presentation: The Biography in Puerto Rico (Essays on the History, Theory, Praxis and Methodology).

First round table: Being biographer in Puerto Rico: reflections on the history, criticism and experience the agenda that challenges us, Carmelo Rosario Natal. The difficult art of biography in Puerto Rico, Mario A. Rodríguez León, OP . Myths in the biography in Puerto Rico, Ricardo R. Camus.

Second Roundtable: biographies, autobiographies, diaries, memoirs, testimonies and stories of life in Puerto Rico: a bibliographic approach, Luis A. Ferrao, oral history as raw material for stories of women, Sandra A. Enríquez Seiders, prosopographic Proposal for the study of women in Hatillo, Myrna Herrera Mora .

Time: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Location: Poet's Café

Saturday, October 30 :

First Round Table: The meaning and validity of feminist biography, Norma Valle Ferrer . Biographies boricuas from constructivism, Joseph C . Barbosa . Antonio R. Barceló: a politician and two biographies. Comparative Perspectives, José Luis Colón. Biography from public relations: David Ogilvy and the makeover of Puerto Rico, Feliciano Nereidín .

Second Round Table: The genealogy and its implications in the biography: the importance and difficulty, Raquel Rosario Rivera . Biography and procerato in Puerto Rico in the nineteenth century, Libya González. Those years green: Chronicle from life, Joseph L. Méndez.

Time: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Location: Poet's Café



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