Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Muscle Woman Strangling

SlideType Keyboard: Slide to write Android

Keyboards virtual screen phones have several problems:
  • QWERTY keyboards have very small keys.
  • Other keyboards require pressing keys multiple times or rely on dictionaries, which are not going well.
solution (without getting into issues or multitouch Chord Typing) is to require more than just pressing the keys, in this case sliding in one direction (up, left, etc).

For example, if we press your finger on the button labeled "2ABC", we move to the left and let go write the letter A. If we had moved up had been the letter B, and right of C.

Demo Javascript: http://www.latinsud.com/pub/slideType/

Download with QR-Code:

SlideType Blog Visit Keyboard (English):

Sunday, June 7, 2009

When Will The Yukon Change Body Style

WGA 2: Windows Genuine Disadvantage

This is the WGA should look like:

and made installing unlicensed software who would install just Vista?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ingredients Of Orajel

Plugin for Gimp to map scales

Given the need to make as many maps and curiosity to learn script-fu I decided to make this plugin. With this experience I learned several things:
  • Script-fu is relatively strong.
  • LISP / Schema / SCM is awful.
The interface is very configurable (perhaps too).
The most important parameters are Step (px) and Step (unit) forming each box is a few pixels, and the distance represented by each box.

Some examples:
To access go to Filters-> Render-> Map Scale Legend. Sorry that so far only been released in English ...


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Poptropica Cheat Engine Credits

Intelligence or

I am one of those advertising banners now emerging intelligence test. Until now had seemed even interesting, but this time have made a mess:
First, there is an intelligence test, but color blindness.
Second possible answers are: 74 or 21 if you are colorblind. Do not think anyone will be able to see a 75 or 94 independent their intellectual level or color blindness. Analysis

Finally, let's analyze what would be a color-blind:
  • The red parts are mixed with green.
  • blue parties would like. In Gimp
do the following steps:
  1. Convert image to RGB. (Image-> Mode-> RGB)
  2. Explode in 3 colors. (Colors-> Components-> Decompose). We
  3. the Layers dialog (Ctrl + L) and hide the blue layer.
  4. Click on the top layer (red) and move the Opacity to 50% bar.
  5. right-clicking on the red cape to give Merge Down.
  6. compose the image. (Colors-> Components-> compose). We use the same layer of red and green, and blue for the blue layer.
Voi-là! We mixed red and green to 50%.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

No Marks Cream For Oily Skin

Ad Blindness

did not know that the wifi was used for sport or to jump, rather it would be quite the opposite ...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Easton Sv12 2009 Fastpitch Softball Bat Review

Zone wifi USB adapter on Linux Tele2 Telsey

I have long been turning Telsey adapter that came with a gift Tele2 router:
Telsey 802.11g Wireless USB2.0 Adapter

Specifications: Usb
id = 1413:5400 Manufacturer = Conexant
Product = Telsey 802.11g Wireless USB2.0 Adapter

 After I open it and search for information that is compatible with the driver   P54. 
The interior has to be something like this:
In my case the chip is marked: GW3887AIKZ

Finally I create a patch for the driver p54usb. (Specifically for 2.6.29-wl [git]):

 diff - git a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.c B/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.c 

da6640a index .. 100644
ef0fc55 a/drivers/net/wireless/p54/p54usb.c
--- + + + b / drivers / net / wireless /
p54/p54usb.c -75.6 +75,7 @ @ @ @ static struct usb_device_id p54u_table [] = {
__devinitdata {USB_DEVICE (0x2001, 0x3704)}, / * DLink DWL-G122 rev A2 * / {USB_DEVICE
(0x413c, 0x8102)}, / * Spinnaker DUT * / {
USB_DEVICE (0x413c, 0x8104)}, / * Cohiba Proto board * / + {
USB_DEVICE (0x1413, 0x5400)}, / * Telsey 802.11g USB2.0 Adapter * /


confirm that this patch works, but I have only tested 2 minutes with an open AP.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Interesting Fact On Tay-sachs

Hoygan that consumer advertising ONO

Yes, failblog browsing I find this real banner:
My first surprise is to find the banner in English, but then I realize that is actually written in hoyganés .

know if the author is hoyganés -blooded or do so only to draw attention hoyganesa community, more and more numerous.

Friday, January 9, 2009

How Do I Clean My White Leather Couch

Script Mini MIDI Keyboard 2Mb Linux

Ono has released a flat rate consumption limit of 1 GB / month. With calls cost around 30 €, and additional 500MB stretch out about 5 €.

A relative of mine has hired and yes, the contract is justified as just using the service. However I am interested in controlling consumption and so I decided to create this script regularly to keep logs of consumption.

should work in linux and windows (with cygwin ).

 # / bin / bash USER = 
PASS = "potato"
LOG = "/ root / ono.log"
COOKIES = "/ root / onocookies"

# Send login
wget - -no-check-certificate-q -O/dev/null - keep-session-cookies - save-cookies = "$ COOKIES" - post-data = "__EVENTARGUMENT __EVENTTARGET = & = & = & RightMenu1_NavBar1_SelectedItem RightMenu1_NavBar1_ExpandedList = & user1% 3ATipo = p & USER1% 3AInstalacionCDSVerificada = false & USER1% 3Alogin = $ USER & USER1% 3Apassword = $ PASS & x = 0 & y = 0 " https: / / servicios.ono.es / pasaporteono / login.aspx

# Complete the login
wget - no-check-certificate-q -O/dev/null - keep-session-cookies - load-cookies = "$ COOKIES" https: / / servicios.ono.es / pasaporteono / Cuentas.aspx

{# Display the date
echo-n "` date `" # Show

website statistics and consumer filter parameter
echo-n "`
wget - no-check-certificate-q-O "- keep-session-cookies - load-cookies =" $ COOKIES "https: / / servicios.ono.es / Pasaporteono / portadaMisServicios . aspx

# line break echo <]*\)<.*$--'

}>> $ LOG